Morning Intentions

Yesterday I did everything right and I still felt crumby. Today I’ll do it again.

My walk up the stairs at 6 this morning was illuminated by sunlight for the snapchat-2008712527-1first time in what feels like forever. I sat with the kids and had my coffee with them this morning. Normally their breakfast is rushed to make time for their Kumon homework, but not on Thursdays. Normally I have Thursday mornings off but I might ask to change that because it’s so nice to have time with the boys that isn’t so hurried. Milan put his lunch together for the first time this morning and he was pretty proud of himself. Everything went incredibly smoothly. Trying to get them out of the habit of talking with food in their mouths. Milan brought a LeapFrog laptop with him for the ride to school this morning and it made me think that he should probably start practicing typing. I think I’ll start bringing my laptop upstairs with me so the boys can have some computer time – they’ll certainly need the experience. I was in the first grade I think when we first got a computer at home. Jesus that was ages ago.

So once I shut my laptop I’ll clean up my apartment and get ready for yoga so that I’m not scrambling to arrive in time for class. I think I’ll braid my hair and wear a little mascara today. After yoga I think I think I’ll walk home. It’ll take 45 minutes to an hour, which puts me back home around noon. There’s some fresh vegan ravioli waiting for me in the fridge for lunch. I’ll stretch and listen something light and airy before going upstairs to collect Oliver for his walk around the block.

I intend to be present today.


❤ Grace

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